Saturday, November 9, 2013


Tonight was my first non-family/paid photography session!

Photographing for the most part is relaxing to me, but when you are being depended upon for the production of visual memories that will last a life-time, it begins to become stressful. Tonight was surprisingly easy, a few shots were difficult to gather, and the lighting made shooting a bit more challenging, but overall I feel good about the takes. Had the couple been higher strung I'm sure it would have been significantly more tedious and terrible.

Overall, as a photographer, (having done two sets of engagement photos, two sets of senior photos, a wedding, and a vowel renewal) I am beginning to feel much more confident in my abilities. Hopefully I'll be able to get the word out and people will like the work I have done!

Job situation is looking bleak... next semester is going to make working difficult to say the least. Here's to hoping I can find an on-campus job.

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